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2024 ISGC Benefit Auction

  2024 ISGC Auction Scans
     AP Cover March 2019   

    Member David Lindwall's article
    got Guatemala? was published in
     the March 2019 issue of
    The American Philatelist. APS members
     may read the article online here.

   Topical Time cover

   The March/April 2019 issue of
   Topical Time,
   the journal of the American Topical
, contains two articles on
   Mayan topics on stamps.

Upcoming Events
    Upcoming Events



Thank you for visiting the International Society of Guatemala Collectors web site.  The ISGC is a non-profit organization and APS affiliate founded in 1948; membership in the Society is open to anyone interested in stamps and postal history of colonial and modern Guatemala and adjacent regions of Central America.

All memberships include a subscription to El Quetzal (EQ), published four times a year. Members also have access to the member side of the ISGC website, where you may participate in the online Forum discussions, and have access to the entire run of back issues of EQ, starting with #1, published in 1949Guatemala-1, the out-of-print Volume 1 of the Postal History and Philately of Guatemala, is also available online to members, as well as other out-of-print ISGC publications. Members may also download the ISGC Guatemala Stamp Album to print through the Document Library and participate in the Society Auctions.

Join the ISGC, or renew your membership   An online only membership is now available at a reduced rate.

Introduction to Guatemala Philately

Donate to the ISGC

ISGC Facebook Page

ISGC YouTube Channel



The Stamps and Postal Stationery of Guatemalaedited by Michael Bloom, is now available for download. With 1000+ pages and more than 3,500 new color illustrations, this is the first new comprehensive Guatemala handbook in more than 20 years. The downloaded file is a very large PDF file. You will need a PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader, to view the file. Be sure to download the instruction sheet.

A print version of the handbook is now available as a three-volume set on Amazon. The hardbound series is printed by Amazon at various locations throughout the world to minimize shipping costs. To find the book set on Amazon, search on the category "Books" and the keywords "Guatemala Stamps". All proceeds go to the International Society of Guatemala Collectors.


2024 ISGC Benefit Auction Details

To watch the video got Guatemala?, an introduction to collecting Guatemala Stamps, click the play button on the YouTube player, and enlarge to full screen.

NEW! Guatemala Stamp Chats on ZOOM

On the first Monday of each month, all society members and guests are invited to attend a live chat on Guatemala philately. Sessions will last one hour and begin with a short presentation followed by a question and answer period and time to socialize. Members from around the globe will be able to meet and chat. This is a unique opportunity to meet collectors with similar interests.

Registration is required. Just click on the links below to register. All Guatemala Chats are conducted in English. Starting time for the Chats is 9 AM U.S. Pacific time, noon U.S. East Coast time, and 5 PM Universal (London) time.

Link to recorded 2020-21 Stamp Chats on the ISGC YouTube Channel   

Link to recorded 2022 Stamp Chats on the ISGC YouTube Channel

Link to recorded 2023 Stamp Chats on the ISGC YouTube Channel

2024 Stamp Chats

Monday, January 15, 2024 Member get-together and discussion      

Monday, February 12, 2024   Revenues for Fun and Show   Link to YouTube video
Glen Carr

Monday, March 11, 2024   Nick Salter's "Stamp Journey"   Link to YouTube video

Nick Salter

Monday, April 15, 2024   The Rise and Fall of the German Colony in Guatemala   Link to YouTube video

Richard Eldridge

Monday, June 17, 2024   Johann-Baptist Frener - Central America's Most Prolific Engraver      Link to YouTube video

     Matthew Rutley

Monday, July 15, 2024     Guatemala City Buzón Markings     Link to YouTube video

     Richard Eldridge

Monday, August 19, 2024     Revenues - Part II     Link to YouTube video     

     Glen Carr

Monday, September 16, 2024     Guatemala's Map on Stamps: A Border Dispute     Link to YouTube video   

     Jaime Marckwordt

Monday, October 21, 2024     Guatemala's 1954 Revolution Told by its Stamps     Register Here

David Lindwall

Monday, November 18, 2024     The Waterlow Octagonal Datestamps     Register Here

Gabriel Ramierez

Monday, December 16, 2024     Departmental Buzón Markings     Register Here

Carlos Rivera

Monday, January 20, 2025     Internment Covers - Germans Deported from GT     

Richard Eldridge 

After you register, you will receive an email from Zoom with a link to join the Chat. Questions? Contact     


ISGC Benefit Auction 2024

Bids for the 2024 ISGC Benefit Auction closed on April 30, 2024, and the auction was finalized during the first week of May 2024. The auction uses lots donated by members of the ISGC and is administered by volunteers. All the proceeds of the auction go to the ISGC to benefit its members. The auction was announced in the March 2024 El Quetzal and all lots were listed on the ISGC website. The donated material was divided into a total of 43 lots. All of the lots offered in the 2024 ISGC Benefit Auction were sold, for a total of $1,550.00 USD. 100% of the net proceeds from this auction go directly to our society. There was some spirited bidding on a few of the more popular lots, and three of the lots had tie bids, with the earliest bidder winning the lot. 

We extend profound thanks to the ISGC members who donated material for this auction: Bob Lebow, James Mazepa, Tobias Tomlinson, Ariel Dominguez, Orlando Gamero, David Gooder, Barbara Vignola, Roberta Palen, and Glen Carr. These generous donations keep the society operating to provide a common gathering place for Guatemala philatelists.

Auction Listing may be viewed here.

Scans of all lots may be viewed here.

Auction Results may be viewed here.

Auction Manager:

Jonathan Topper
Topper Stamps & Postal History
13100 Wortham Center Drive
3rd Floor - Suite 45
Houston, TX 77065


Guatemala Fakes and Forgeries

Collecting the stamps of Guatemala is an interesting and potentially complex challenge, and collectors of the country are helped by a large body of available information. Previous El Quetzal editor and former International Society of Guatemala Collectors (ISGC) president David Reitsema has added to this information by writing these articles to assist ISGC members and other ISGC website visitors distinguish between genuine stamps and fakes. Click here to see the articles and a taped presentation on YouTube by David.

Member Download

Long-time ISGC member Jack Jonza  collected nearly 150 articles and clippings that have information of interest to Guatemala collectors. The articles come from many sources, including magazines that have not been published in many years. These have now been scanned and indexed, and may currently be viewed and downloaded in the Document Library (Non-ISGC Articles in the Non-ISGC Publications folder) by members after logging in. The first PDF in the folder (Jonza Documents Contents) was prepared from a spreadsheet containing information on the documents, including author, publication, publication date, catalog numbers, etc. Download it, then use the links in the titles to go to the individual documents that interest you. 

El Quetzal

Richard Eldridge assumed duties as the editor of El Quetzal, starting with issue #396. A PDF of the entire March 2017 issue has been made accessible on-line to the public to serve as an example of what is available to members.
The cover of the current issue of El Quetzal, #399, September, 2024, including the table of contents, is available for viewing. Members may sign in to view the entire issue online in the Library section of this website. All past issues are also available to members.


Mazepa's "Colonial Central America" Crowned Champion of Champions

8/26/2017   James P. Mazepa's "Colonial Central America", depicting the development of the postal system in the Kingdom of Guatemala, was crowned Champion of Champions at the APS Stampshow in Richmond, Virginia.   Read>>

A Note on PayPal Payments

Please use the email address listed on the Join/Renew ISGC Button on the Menu to make dues payments via PayPal. The email address for the Treasurer on the Contact Us area is for communication with the Treasurer, not for payments.


Exhibits now available for viewing:  The Quetzal Airmails (Jaime Marckwordt), A Selection of Guatemalan Postmarks, 1871-1902 (Cécile Gruson), Collecting Guatemala (David Jickling, coordinator), Guatemalan Auxiliary Markings, 1898-1967 (David Fine), and Guatemala Airmail 1924-1945 (Dr. Andrew Cheung). Also available:  PDF file of the Perforation Gauge Presentation from Washington 2006.

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