ISGC Publications for Sale
Address all orders for publications to:
Topper Stamps & Postal History
c/o Jonathan Topper
10480 Grant Road, Suite 117
Houston, Texas, USA 77070
or by email at
All Prices in USA Dollars. Payment by dollar check drawn on USA bank or pay directly via Paypal at 
Shipping prices are for the purchase of one publication. For multiple items, please inquire about shipping discounts before you order.
You may also purchase the publications directly through Jonathan's eBay Store.
ISGC members may download out of print items for free from the Document Library under ISGC Publications.
Number |
Title |
Description |
Price |
Price |
Shipping |
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P100 |
Guatemala, The Postal History and Philately, Volume I (G1) |
ISGC, ed. Roland A. Goodman, 1969. The Postal History and Stamps to Mid-1902, Post Offices and Postal Rates, The Postal Markings
Available to Members in the
P101 |
Guatemala Philately 1971-1990 Issues & Special Studies, 1991 |
D. Jickling, Editor, ISBN 1-880721-00-7. An update of earlier handbooks to 1990 with detailed information on the stamp issuances of twenty years; abstracts on souvenir and modern postal stationery, IRCs, modern revenue stamps, postal rates, and a list of post offices with their postal code. |
Available to Members in the
P103 |
Guatemalan Telegraph Stamps & Stationery, 1994
J.C. Andrews, ISBN 1-880721-02-3. Listing of telegraph stamps, envelopes and forms.
P107 |
Guatemala, The Postal History and Philately, Volume II (G-2), Second Edition, reprinted 1984 |
R. Goodman, editor, ISBN 0-913129-02-X. The adhesive postage stamps from mid-1902 through 1971, including postal stationery, pioneer and first flights, meters and essays, the Ambulante markings, and fiscal and telegraph stamps. |
20.00 |
10.00 |
4.00 |
20.00 |
P108 |
El Quetzal DVD, 2007 |
E. Dyck, Editor. El Quetzal is the official journal of The International Society of Guatemala Collectors. The entire run of this publication from its first issue in 1949 through the final issue of 2006 has been scanned and published on DVD in searchable PDF format. |
Past Issues Available to Members in the Document Library |
P109 |
The Postage Stamps of Guatemala, 1871-2007, 2007 |
C. Gruson/D. Jickling, Editors, ISBN 1-880721-06-6. A comprehensive listing of all stamp issuances & varieties. Bilingual English-Spanish. Update of the 2003 version.
Available to Members in the
P110 |
Guatemala, 350 Years of Papel Sellado, 1999 |
C. Gruson/L.J. Harris, ISBN 1-880721-02-3. The first fairly complete study on Revenue Stamped Paper used from 1640 to 1997 for legal purposes. |
Available to Members in the
P111 |
The Postal Marking of Guatemala, Sus Marcas Postales, Parts I & II |
C. Gruson, ISBN 1-880721-05-8. Completed and updated comprehensive listing of the postal markings of Guatemala from 1768 to 2007. Was awarded a gold award + special prize at EXPOFILGUA (2007). |
Available to Members in the
The ISGC Guatemala Stamp Album, 1871-2016, includes all major and minor ISGC numbers, including perforation and overprint varieties. The album will be updated every five years. The album is available in two sizes: 10" x 11½", which matches the Scott specialty album pages, and standard 8½ x 11". The two sizes are available in non-editable PDF files and editable Publisher files, all free for download by ISGC members from the Document Library, under ISGC Publications. An informational page about the Album is available here. |